
With caution, the drug is prescribed for cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebral arteriosclerosis, chronic renal failure, in elderly patients, children under 3 years of age.

The initial dose is 5mg 3 times / day, with a dose increase every 3 days by 5mg until the therapeutic effect (usually up to 30-75mg / day). The maximum daily dose is 100 mg.

With the simultaneous use of Baklosan with tricyclic antidepressants, a significant decrease in muscle tone is possible.

Baklosan is a biconvex, round, with a dividing strip white tablets. Such tablets in a polypropylene jar, such a jar in a paper bundle.

The final dose is set to decrease in muscle tone and does not lead to excessive myasthenia gravis and does not odd motor function. With increased sensitivity, the initial daily dose is 5-10 mg, followed by a slower increase.

From the gastrointestinal tract: very frequent - nausea; frequent - vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dyspeptic symptoms; rare - abdominal pain, dysgeusia, impaired liver function.

nervous stress; sick with alcoholism; when muscle tone is overestimated, the medical term is (multiple sclerosis); after a stroke and prevention to prevent it; in cases of cerebral palsy in children; with injuries to the skull and brain; meningitis.

The duration of the drug and its final dosage is determined by the attending physician, based on the current condition of the patients.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Baklosan, including instructions for use, analogues and prices of this drug in pharmacies. REAL REVIEWS of people who have already used Baklosan can be read in the comments.

Pronounced hypotension muscle. Confused consciousness, against the background of which a coma can develop. Respiratory failure.

Taking baclosan tablets may be accompanied by the development of negative reactions and side effects of various organs and systems, these include:

After taking the pill inside, the active substance is absorbed into the blood and reaches a therapeutic concentration in it after 20-30 minutes. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 2-3 hours. The bioavailability of baclofen is quite high. It penetrates the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in the tissues of the central nervous system. Also, the active substance of Baklosan tablets penetrates well through the placental barrier and can accumulate in the body of the developing fetus during pregnancy. Baclofen is excreted in breast milk during lactation. Metabolism occurs in the liver, metabolites (metabolic products) and unchanged active substance are excreted by the kidneys in the urine.

Baklosan tablets are used in the complex therapy of pathological conditions, which are accompanied by an increased tone of different groups of striated muscles. Such diseases include:

Due to such pharmacological effects of the active substance, Baklosan reduces muscle cramping, reduces the severity of contractile tension, and increases the range of motion in the joints due to relaxation of muscle fibers. The drug does not directly affect the neuromuscular transmission of impulse in the corresponding synapses.

Baclofen (baclosan) is a medicine that can be purchased at a pharmacy. It provokes addiction, which is difficult to get rid of. Pills are classified as soft drugs, so they have gained popularity among young people.

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information provided.

Baclofen is used to treat muscle symptoms; such as spasm, bread and stiffness; caused by multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, or other spinal cord disorders. It is given intrathecally orally (by mouth).

From the genitourinary system: dysuria, enuresis, urinary retention; with prolonged use - impaired renal function.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, headache, weakness, fatigue, confusion, imbalance, decreased reaction speed, mental agitation, euphoria, hallucinations, depression, nightmares, convulsions, decreased seizure threshold.

Side effects are often transient in nature, they should be distinguished from the theories of the disease are carried out with: concomitant epilepsy, treatment is carried out without canceling antiepileptic drugs.

The information about the drug is important for the treatment of central nervous system. In the case of the simultaneous use of tricyclic antidepressants with baclosan, muscle tone is reduced. The instructions for Baklosan say that taking along with this remedy as well as the following:

Multiple sclerosis (increased muscle tone); Stroke; Cerebral palsy; meningitis; Head injuries; Alcoholism (nervous disorders, emotional conditions).